Global Racial Capitalism Description “Racial Capitalism” provides a powerful frame and analytic method for the narration and analysis of the emergence of our present global economy. Our panelists discuss various national and international deployments of racial capitalism. Key moments 0:00 Introduction 0:50 Panel begins 9:39 – 11:34 Dennis Davis indexes Neville Alexander’s view of race. 20:46 – 23:02 Arun Kundnani explains that the term racial capitalism implies that capitalism can stably exist in a social formation with multiple modes of production, i.e. plantation slavery, and substitution economies. 53:40 – 55:28 Vesuki Nesiah argues that settler colonialism and capitalism together birthed a transnational legal regime that condemns ethnic cleansing while constructing and preserving the public and private spheres as separate and contrasting. This provides the legal foundation for territory to be translated into property and exploitation into private trade. 1:21:08 – 1:28:27 Neville Hoad, Dennis Davis, Arun Kundnani, Minkah Maklani, and Vesuki Nesiah discuss grounds for optimism in the context of ongoing global political, economic, social, and health crises. Arun Kundani,Dennis Davis,Minkah Makalani,Neville Hoad,Vasuki Nesiah Capitalism & Adjectives,Essential Work,Infrastructure,Racial Capitalism,Work Across the Global South You may also like Keynote Roundtable: Worker Advocacy Organizations & the Future of Work AI and Technology,Artistic Labor and the Humanities,Automation & Technological Change,COVID-19,Essential Work,Gig Economy,Informal Work,Infrastructure,Labor Organizing,Valuation,Work Across the Global South The Future of Work: Views from South Africa AI and Technology,Automation & Technological Change,Care Work,COVID-19,Growth & Degrowth,Informal Work,Infrastructure,Labor Organizing,Precarity,Social Reproduction,Valuation,Work Across the Global South Essential for What? A Conversation on the Global Dimensions of Essential Work Capitalism & Adjectives,Care Work,COVID-19,Essential Work,Informal Work,Infrastructure,Racial Capitalism,Radical Visions,Social Reproduction,Valuation,Work Across the Global South Keynote Opening Roundtable AI and Technology,Automation & Technological Change,Care Work,COVID-19,Essential Work,Informal Work,Precarity,Radical Visions,Valuation,Work Across the Global South Restructuring Caring Labor: Radical Care Work Care Work,Essential Work,Informal Work,Infrastructure,Labor Organizing,Precarity,Racial Capitalism,Work Across the Global South For Love and Money: The Future of the Arts and Humanities Now! Artistic Labor and the Humanities,Community Organizing,COVID-19,Essential Work,Growth & Degrowth,Infrastructure,Labor Organizing,Precarity,Radical Visions,Valuation